Why choose me?
Of all the EMDR therapists you could work with, why choose me?
The answer is simple - EMDR is all I do.
My entire individual client caseload is EMDR intensive clients. I no longer take on long-term talk therapy clients because I love doing EMDR intensives. Doing EMDR, working with clients to help them get relief in the short term, and collaborating with their other providers is the most fun and rewarding way I’ve ever done therapy work. I am passionate about getting quality results for my clients.
In addition to my singular focus on EMDR for my work with individual at Green Circle Collective, I have also gone the extra mile to obtain advanced credentials in EMDR. I am Certified in EMDR by the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA). This means that in addition to initial EMDR training, I’ve completed hours and hours of EMDR under while working with expert consultants that are also registered with EMDRIA.I’ve also taken continuing education trainings to ensure my knowledge and skills adhere to the highest standards for your safety and benefit.
Regardless of my education, experience, and credentials, I know EMDR intensives work from my personal experience. I’ve completed EMDR intensives as a client because in the fall of 2021 I was in a severe car accident that left me feeling vulnerable, anxious, and depressed. I worked with an EMDRIA Certified therapist in two four-hour intensive sessions and had incredible results. Space in my mind, body, and emotions opened up where it used to be filled with fear, dread, and avoidance. I was able to drive again without being triggered or feeling panic, I was able to reduce and eventually discontinue taking an anxiety medication, and I was able to focus on my goals and look to the future for the first time in moths after my intensive sessions. My experience is not atypical or particularly stunning. Most of my clients have this kind of transformation as well.